Leisure & Entertainment
Bucket List
Exploring the vibrant metropolis of tomorrow, where sleek architecture and advanced technology meet under a starlit sky
Delve into an engaging exploration of future possibilities, human experiences, and technological advancements with a specially curated selection of science fiction short films. This collection offers a window into the genre's rich history, significant for both aficionados and those new to sci-fi cinema, charting a path from the groundbreaking early works to cutting-edge modern narratives.
Starting with classics like "A Trip to the Moon" and moving through game-changing pieces such as "La Jetée," each film chosen has left an indelible mark on the fabric of science fiction storytelling. This journey through time encapsulates innovation and creativity, showcasing how the genre continuously evolves to reflect contemporary questions and futuristic visions.
The list also highlights modern classics and recent innovations that integrate advanced technology and fresh storytelling perspectives, represented by films like "Alive in Joburg" and "The Leviathan." These selections are not only visually captivating but also loaded with thought-provoking themes, setting the stage for future explorations in the ever-unfolding narrative of science fiction.
Groundbreaking short films from the early years of cinema that impacted sci-fi.
A Trip to the Moon (1902)
The Red Spectre (1907)
Films from the mid-1900s that brought new ideas and effects to the genre.
Electronic Labyrinth: THX 1138 4EB (1967)
La Jetée (1962)
Contemporary shorts that have reshaped science fiction over the last few decades.
Prelude to Axanar (2014)
Alive in Joburg (2005)
New-age films incorporating modern technology and storytelling.
Sunspring (2016)
The Leviathan (2015)
Hyper-Reality (2016)